How to Prevent Hunchback - Only 5 Minutes a day
No one ever said when I grow up I want to stare at my shoes all day.
But for many of us, the path we are going down ends up here.
With many of repetitive daily postures in a forward seated hunched position, it forces your spine into a strained position that can cause long term tension and stretch to the ligaments of the spine.
No one ever said when I grow up I want to stare at my shoes all day.
But for many of us, the path we are going down ends up here.
With many of repetitive daily postures in a forward seated hunched position, it forces your spine into a strained position that can cause long term tension and stretch to the ligaments of the spine.
Over time the muscles in the back become long and weak, while the muscles of the chest and shoulders tighten pulling your shoulders and rounding your back.
Bad posture can lead to other problems including back pain and even compression fractures of the spine.
As a chiropractor, I see many people that complain of chronic tightness and pain through the shoulder and shoulder blade region.
Since many of the muscles holding up the spine and preventing it from slouching forward are postural muscles they need to be worked more frequently to build endurance. It is also important to stretch the tightened muscles of the chest and shoulders to allow the shoulder and back to straighten.
Check out this video that helps explain daily stretches and exercises that will help prevent the progression of a rounded hunchback.