Elevating Life's Quality: The Impact of Chiropractic Care
Explore how chiropractic care can profoundly impact quality of life, offering not just pain relief but also contributing to improved mobility, stress reduction, and overall wellbeing.
Quality of Life and Chiropractic: An Interconnected Journey
Quality of life is a measure that extends beyond mere physical health, encapsulating wellbeing, comfort, and the ability to enjoy daily activities. Chiropractic care, with its holistic approach to health, offers a unique contribution to enhancing one’s quality of life by addressing both physical ailments and their wider implications on one's lifestyle.
The Chiropractic Effect: More Than Pain Relief
Often, individuals seek chiropractic care as a solution to pain. However, the benefits of chiropractic adjustments extend further; they can improve sleep quality, increase energy levels, and enhance mobility. All these improvements are key contributors to elevating one's overall quality of life.
Mobility and Independence: Pillars of Wellbeing
The ability to move without pain is fundamental to independence and wellbeing. Chiropractic care facilitates this by treating musculoskeletal issues that can limit mobility. As patients regain movement, they often rediscover the joys of activities they had once given up, which is a significant boost to their quality of life.
Stress Reduction: A Positive Side Effect
Stress and anxiety can be direct consequences of chronic pain. By alleviating the root causes of discomfort, chiropractic care can also lead to decreased stress levels, making it easier for individuals to focus on what brings them joy and fulfillment.
Holistic Health: The Core of Chiropractic Philosophy
Chiropractors view the body as an interconnected system. By ensuring the spine—the main conduit of the nervous system—is healthy, chiropractic care supports the body's innate ability to heal and maintain balance. This holistic approach is why patients may report improvements in conditions seemingly unrelated to the spine.
Empowerment Through Education
Part of enhancing quality of life is empowering patients with knowledge about their bodies. Chiropractors often provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices, contributing to a sense of control over one’s health.
Conclusion: A Partner in Life’s Journey
Chiropractic care is more than a treatment; it’s a partnership in health. As patients experience relief and support from their chiropractic care, they often find their quality of life dramatically improved, allowing them to live their lives to the fullest.
Understanding Your Posture to Protect Your Health
You are a human, you are bipedal, meaning you should be upright. However, you spend much of your time hunched over in a seated posture. Whether it’s computer work, driving, or relaxing while watching a movie, you can’t deny that we are slowly folding like a lawn chair.
You are human, therefore you are bipedal, meaning you should be upright. However, you spend much of your time hunched over in a seated posture. Whether it’s computer work, driving, or relaxing while watching a movie, you can’t deny that we are slowly folding like a lawn chair.
Sitting and leaning forward, with gravity pulling your head and shoulders down, creates unpleasant postural strain. This can present as neck pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, and the associated daily stiffness. Most commonly, the pain and stiffness is not severe enough to stop you from your daily activities, but nagging enough that it will cause you fatigue.
Repetitive strain is something that you cannot avoid, but depending on your posture it can either set you up for a future of pain and stiffness or with better/proper postural alignment, it can improve your body’s ability to cope with the repetitive strain placed on it.
Here is an example of a posture out of normal alignment. This example highlights the effects of forward head posture and how it correlates with increased strain in the neck.
Notice the red box. This estimates the amount of strain placed on the neck muscles, that have the task of holding the head upright.
Over time, a daily strain that is 2.5 times the normal force on the neck, will increase the rate at which the underlying structures break down. You can read more on the strains placed on the neck in this post here.
One of the most common signs of chronic wear and tear is the breakdown of the vertebral discs that space each moving vertebrae in your spine. This takes years to develop but with proper care, and posture awareness this can be limited. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The example below is a degenerative disc that occurs over a period of time.
This postural effect isn’t isolated to the neck, but it’s also common in the low back, especially with people who are desk-bound for 40 + hours a week. Low back pain and stiffness over time can lead to concerning conditions such as sciatica, which can be difficult to recover from.
Often times we assume the breakdown is caused by “old age”. The correct way to put this is it is associated with age, ie. the more time this postural strain has been present, the more breakdown and degeneration is going to be evident.
In the past, as a chiropractor, I would expect to see signs of spinal degeneration in someone who has been working for 10-15 years at a desk for 40 hours a week. The concerning part for me is this is happening more and more in youth, especially since the reliance on technology, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Below is an example of a teenager that was referred to me by her family physician, for having a history of multiple disc bulges.
You can tell in the x-ray that her neck has lost the normal curvature and is putting undue strain on her spine, causing the discs to bulge on the now convex side of the curve.
It’s concerning to me what the next 10-15 years will look like for the youth of this generation. Prior to the pandemic kids were glued to tech and as a chiropractor, I was already seeing concerning issues in kids, teens and young adults, all related to their daily posture. Symptoms such as numbness and tingling into both hands, shooting pain down shoulders and arms, chronic headaches, and many more. Unfortunately, all of this has been exacerbated over the past year with online schooling and the obvious limitations of available recreational activities.
Like with your car, when the alignment is off, your tires wear unevenly and more rapidly. If your spinal alignment is out of position, the structures of your spine wear unevenly and more rapidly than if the alignment was good.
When it comes to the alignment and breakdown of the spine it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.
It worries me that for the current generation of youth we will not be able to chalk up spinal osteoarthritis to “old age” when they are going to show those signs at a much earlier age.
How Bad Posture Can Lead to Compression Fractures
Compression fracture of a vertebrae is usually stable, and not life threatening, but it can cause a tremendous amount of pain.
Some compression fractures can happen from serious trauma, such as car accidents or sports injuries. However, most commonly compression fractures happen with old age…
A compression fracture of a vertebra is usually stable, and not life-threatening, but it can cause a tremendous amount of pain and disability.
Compression fractures can happen from serious trauma, such as car accidents or sports injuries. However, more often than not compression fractures happen with increased frequency as we age.
In combination with low bone density, a light slip, or even a sneeze can cause a compression fracture.
The area of the spine that is commonly affected is the thoracic spine. In the picture below this is the area between the two red lines.
The thoracic spine is where you have the most “hunch” in your back. When your posture is poor and you are hunched forward it causes the hunch to be more pronounced and leads to more compression on the front edge of the vertebrae.
When you combine this increased pressure with poor bone density you are at risk for a compression fracture in your spine.
The picture below shows the inside of a vertebra. The red arrow is pointing to the cortical bone which is the hard outer shell. The blue arrow is pointing to the trabecular bone which gives your bone structural integrity.
When the compression on the front of the vertebra is greater than the amount of force that the internal bone can take, you will get a compression fracture.
The typical shape of a compression fracture is a wedge, with the front of the bone collapsing while the back portion stays intact. This further creates more postural deformity and will lead to a more exaggerated “hunch back”.
This is why it is so important to develop and maintain good posture while you are young to help prevent painful conditions like compression fractures.
Two main things you can do to help reduce the stress to this part of your spine.
Set a proper foundation in your low back.
Less anterior head carriage (forward head).
Are You a "Self Crack" Addict?
During my undergrad at Wilfrid Laurier, I would study in the quiet floor of the library. It was dead quiet up there even though there were hundreds of students cramming for midterms and finals.
The only sounds I would hear was someone opening a drink, clearing their throat and cracking their own necks and back.
During my undergrad at Wilfrid Laurier, I would study in the quiet floor of the library. It was dead quiet up there even though there were hundreds of students cramming for midterms and finals.
The only sounds I would hear was someone opening a drink, clearing their throat and cracking their own necks and back.
The distinctive popping/cracking sound is from air held within a capsule that surrounds the small facet joints in your spine.
This happens with their is separation from joint surfaces more than the current normal.
If you have ever been manually adjusted by me this is the same sound you hear and the same mechanism.
There is one major difference though.
When I adjust your spine, I’m looking for areas that are not moving correctly, and therefore we are attempting to increase the movement to restore proper function. These areas can be tense and sore since there is inflammation from the lack of movement. It is good when these areas are adjusted and restore motion because if a joint lacks the normal movement it will continue to stiffen up and start to deteriorate over time and your symptoms will progress. This is called osteoarthritis.
On the other hand when you “self crack” the joints in your spine, it is achieved by making large movements to that particular part of the spine. People that do this to their low back will twist around until they hear a pop. People that try with their neck will push on their chin into rotation or grab the top of their head and pull in hopes that something will give.
The way the joints work in the spine is each of them does a small amount of movement to create the large movement we see on the outside.
When a joint becomes restricted and inflammed you will feel pain and stiffness which you try to get relief from self adjusting.
I’d be lying if sometimes this didn’t seem to help, but the concern is by self cracking you will start to create more movements in the joints above and below the joint that is locked up. In other words by cranking on your neck or back you are creating joints that are hypermobile (move too much and lack stability). This without a doubt will put more stress onto the joint surfaces, wear down the cartilage and create osteoarthritis in your future.
So next time you think to “self crack” think twice.
Are You Shifted?
Your eyes let you see the world around you but your body also has eyes that let you see the world within. Find out how these receptors function and how your body may benefit from seeing a chiropractor.
Imagine you are standing in front of me and I told you to close your eyes. Then while your eyes are still closed I moved your arm in front of your body.
If I asked you where your arm is, do you think you would know?
Of course you would.
But how would you know this?
Well your muscles and joints are full of these special receptors that tell your brain where your body is positioned in space. They are literally the eyes within your body. They give you feedback on how you move, how fast you are moving and when you overstretch they will cause a reflex to engage muscles to prevent injury (this is what happens when you have your knee reflex tested).
These receptors are located all over the different regions of your body but there is one place they are way more dense than the rest of the body. That’s the spine and in particular the neck.
When your spine is in proper alignment these receptors only report movements and changes to the area (normal input).
When a joint is damaged, irritated or is out of it’s optimal position, these receptors are firing a barrage of signals to your brain telling it something is not right. This works in a feedback loop so your brain gets the message and has to come up with a response. The usual response to this is muscles tighten (spasm), reduced motion, and the end results can be pain.
This can not only lead to the symptoms above but it can lead to further degeneration due to increased spinal dysfunction. Even if the symptoms subside for a period of time you will be more at risk for re-aggravation.
We see this time and time again when someone comes in as a new chiropractic patient and they complain of back pain. They have had this multiple times in the past but “it went away on its own”, but “this time it’s not going away and I think I need to do something about it now”…
The bottom line is these dysfunctions that turn into full blown painful conditions are a result of repetitive strain breaking down the tissue further because there is poor communication between your body and brain.
As a chiropractor my goal is to identify these problem areas and improve the dysfunction and as a result reduce the pain. Dysfunction is corrected by restoring normal motion to joints, returning the normal alignment of the spine and decreasing the strain on degenerative tissues such as the disc.
I will leave you with a tell tale example that spinal dysfunction is present.
If you have knots around your shoulder blades and you have your partner try to work them out or you go for a massage but the last few times they don’t seem to be “worked out”, then it may not be a muscle problem. Think why are the muscles tightening up in the first place. Most likely in this scenario there is dysfunction in spine of the lower neck and as a result muscles attaching there are becoming irritated.
What Is Sciatica - Can Chiropractic Help?
Why do people suffer from sciatica pain? Do you have it? Can seeing a chiropractor help?
Sciatica is a blanket term that gets tossed around a lot. Some patients present with signs and symptoms not remotely close to Sciatica and think they have it. Others have been suffering for years with debilitating sciatic pain and don't realize they had it.
Sciatica is a medical term for a set of symptoms, that typically involve low back pain and leg pain. This could be pain in the hip, buttock, hamstring , and calves region, as well as all the way down to the foot.
The low back pain and leg pain are classic signs but depending on the cause of the Sciatica you can also have numbness and tingling as well as muscle weakness or twitching.
Common causes of Sciatica include but not limited to, degenerative disc disease, a disc herniation, a pinched nerve in the low back, and piriformis syndrome.
Chiropractic care can be very beneficial to help reduce the symptoms of sciatic pain and in some cases it can fix the problem. There are many different techniques that a chiropractor can use to help this so make sure you contact or have a consultation with the chiropractor before you start can to make sure they are comfortable working with you.
As with any condition it is important that your chiropractor finds the root cause of the sciatica and low back pain. This way your chiropractic can have a specific approach, reduce the time needed for correction, and choose the appropriate chiropractic techniques for your case.
For more information on Sciatic please watch the video listed below.