Neck Exercises to Reduce Neck Pain and Increase Neck Range of Motion

Neck Exercises to Reduce Neck Pain and Increase Neck Range of Motion

Neck pain is a common ailment affecting millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by poor posture (tech neck) muscle strains, or underlying conditions such as arthritis (degenerative discs and spinal arthritis). In many cases, neck pain can be somewhat alleviated through simple exercises designed to strengthen and stretch the neck muscles

The Ultimate Guide to Chiropractic Care - How it Can Benefit Your Health and Wellness

The Ultimate Guide to Chiropractic Care - How it Can Benefit Your Health and Wellness

Chiropractic care is a universal healthcare profession that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, and their effects on the nervous system and general health. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustments, manual therapies, and exercise, to help patients manage pain, improve function, and promote overall wellness. In this guide, we'll explore how chiropractic care can benefit your health and wellness.

How to Improve Stress by Activating your Vagus Nerve

How to Improve Stress by Activating your Vagus Nerve

In the previous post, I discussed what the function of the Vagus Nerve is and what some of the common side effects and conditions are when someone has dysfunction of the Vagus Nerve. Click here to read it before proceeding.

In this post we will discuss different ways you can activate your Vagus Nerve, to put you in a better more relaxed state of health.

3 Ways to use Your Foam Roller

3 Ways to use Your Foam Roller

Foam rolling is an excellent self-massage tool that can help alleviate muscle tightness, enhance flexibility, and promote overall muscle health. In this article, we'll explore three effective techniques to get the most out of your foam roller and support your recovery process:

Correcting Rounded Shoulders with Postural Devices

Correcting Rounded Shoulders with Postural Devices

Rounded shoulders are a common postural issue caused by prolonged sitting and poor posture habits. If left untreated, rounded shoulders can lead to neck pain, headaches, and even breathing difficulties. Fortunately, there are postural devices that can help correct this issue and improve your overall posture.

Low Back Pain Compression & How to Ease it

Low Back Pain Compression & How to Ease it

Low back pain is the most common mechanical type of pain in all of North America. Low back pain symptoms usually cause stiffness, aches, and generalized fatigue, but there are many different reasons why you can get these symptoms.

Piriformis Syndrome - What it is and what you can do about it.

Piriformis Syndrome - What it is and what you can do about it.

Back pain, sciatica, hip pain, tightness in the glute, trouble putting socks on, can’t cross my legs, painful while sitting. These are all common descriptors of piriformis syndrome. To understand what piriformis syndrome is, let’s first discuss what the piriformis is.

Understanding Your Posture to Protect Your Health

Understanding Your Posture to Protect Your Health

You are a human, you are bipedal, meaning you should be upright. However, you spend much of your time hunched over in a seated posture. Whether it’s computer work, driving, or relaxing while watching a movie, you can’t deny that we are slowly folding like a lawn chair.

The Most Overlooked Stretch for Low Back Pain

The Most Overlooked Stretch for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

According to some health organizations, low back pain and stiffness affects 80% of people in their lifetime.

I’ve suffered from disc injuries in my low back when I was younger. I’ve also broken many bones, wrists, hands, ribs, and I can tell you from experience I would rather the latter than the former.

When you get low back pain or low back stiffness you will have a tendency to try and stretch out the low back and improve the movement.

Although your low back can have deterioration and disc degeneration, there is a limiting factor that is often almost overlooked.

Back Pain While Raking

Back Pain While Raking

When the leaves turn their beautiful fall colours you know you will be burdened with the task of doing a fall clean up shortly there after.

Every autumn I have a plethora of new back pain injuries that show up in my chiropractic office.

Ranging from neck pain, to shoulder blade pain and even sciatica, it never ceases to amaze me when these painful conditions present.

Bend With Your Knees or With Your Hips? Protecting your low back while lifting

Bend With Your Knees or With Your Hips?  Protecting your low back while lifting

You have definitely heard the saying “bend with your knee, not your back”. In theory, this is to keep a “flat back” which is a protected back. But practically speaking only bending with your knees may put you at a disadvantage.

You probably know someone who has “thrown out their back” while lifting something, doing a half bend, or picking something up off the floor. I can tell you that as a chiropractor I know many of these people.

How to Prevent Hunchback - Only 5 Minutes a day

How to Prevent Hunchback - Only 5 Minutes a day

No one ever said when I grow up I want to stare at my shoes all day.

But for many of us, the path we are going down ends up here.

With many of repetitive daily postures in a forward seated hunched position, it forces your spine into a strained position that can cause long term tension and stretch to the ligaments of the spine.

How to Sneeze and Protect Your Back

How to Sneeze and Protect Your Back

There is no doubt that sneezing comes in many shapes, sizes, and sounds.

I have witnessed forceful sneezes, petite sneezes, chain reaction sneezes, and many more.

The one thing that they all have in common is that sneezing puts immense strain on your spine, which can lead to back injuries and back pain.

That is because sneezing not only increases the force around your spinal cord called intrathecal pressure, but it also creates a quick forceful contraction of your body’s core and spinal muscles.

Wry Neck - What it is & how to fix it.

Wry Neck - What it is & how to fix it.

Nothing is worse than starting your day is a pain in the neck. Even worse sometimes can lock up and leave you with a very limited range of motion.

Sometimes this happens while you sleep and you wake up like this. Other times you just move your head and something lets go in your neck and you instantly feel the pain and stiffness.

Better Seated Posture - Do This One Thing

Better Seated Posture - Do This One Thing

Low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches, muscle strain, spasms, and more are all the consequence of bad posture. Bad posture isn’t the main problem, it’s a bi-product of sitting for long hours each day.